There is a big chance that in your lifetime, you have found yourself chewing on a couple of ice cubes. Especially those that linger at the bottom of our favorite beverages can be hard to resist. Any summer that lacks a paper cup full of lemon ice already seems like a season of sweaty sadness. When you fall sick, you can relieve dry mouth by sucking on them. For those who are addicted to ice, you will mostly find yourself chewing on a few bags of ice on a daily basis.

Although chewing on ice might be your dog’s favorite pastime activity but for you, it could be a sign of pagophagia. This is a medical condition linked to compulsive ice eating mostly observed in anemia patients. Ice-chewing addicts crave ice the same way a cigarette smoker craves cigarettes. If you are an addict, it is only safe to begin breaking the habit.


An ice-chewing addiction will not harm your general health if compared to other addictions. However, the dental damage that comes as a result includes chipped teeth, cracked teeth, and a damaged enamel not to mention the derailing of existing dental repairs such as fillings and crowns. The sensitivity of your teeth to cold and hot foods and drinks also increases. In addition, your teeth become more prone to cavities.


If you have not been tested for anemia, it is advisable to do that first before anything else. Most ice-addicted anemic patients report that their ice-chewing craving subsided after proper treatment. If you are trying to do away with a tobacco habit or relieve dry mouth symptoms, we advise you to switch to cold drinks or unsweetened popsicles instead. If you do not want to curb your habit, you should think about switching to slush which is finely shaved.

To be able to reduce the damage caused by chewing ice, consulting us should be your topmost priority. We have affordable options that we can discuss to begin your dental maintenance plan.

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Geelan Dental Care

Call Us: (503) 223-1322

Visit Us: 5320 South Macadam Ave, Suite #100
Portland, OR 97239

Office Hours

Mon – Thur: 7:30am – 4:30pm
Fri – Sun: Closed

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