Oral care in infants should begin from birth. This is because baby teeth start developing even before they are born and wait six months after birth to emerge. Practicing good oral hygiene on your infants’ gums sets up good dental hygiene for them in the future. Baby teeth are important in helping them speak and eat. They also hold the spaces for permanent teeth to emerge and contribute to your baby’s facial symmetry and appearance. Healthy baby teeth guarantee healthy adult teeth.
After birth, caring for a baby’s teeth and gums involves gently rubbing a wet cloth on their gums after every feed, or at least twice a day. Do not let the baby go to bed with a feeding bottle or pacifier, as this encourages bacteria to breed. It is also important that parents avoid putting a baby’s bottle, utensils, or pacifier in their mouth, as this encourages the transfer of bacteria. After six months, the first teeth begin to show, and the front bottom incisors emerge first. When they start to appear, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean them while massaging the gums with a wet washcloth. Regularly check your baby’s gums and teeth, and schedule a dental appointment.
You could start using a pea-sized fluoridated amount of toothpaste at age two and ensure your child spits it out. It is important to gradually teach your kid how to clean teeth on their own by the age of six years. Thumb-sucking should not worry you during the infant years; however, notify the dentist to monitor if this persists over the age of three. When the infant starts weaning, avoid giving them sugary foods and liquids and ensure they clean their mouths immediately after eating them. Please encourage your child to drink water often as it rinses bacteria from the mouth. A healthy and nutrient-dense diet should be prioritized to ensure the teeth, gums, and bones grow strong.