As you approach your golden years, you are no doubt filled with excitement at the adventure that lies ahead. Hopefully you have saved a little bit for retirement, and you can spend the next few decades kicking back, taking things easy, and enjoying the fruits of your labor.
However, there are some preparations you should make now in order to better enjoy the years ahead. In addition to financial preparation, you should do a few things to make sure that your oral health is the best that it can be during the coming decades of your life.
Even if you have not done so already, you should put an emphasis on establishing a good oral healthcare routine. This means you should commit to brushing your teeth properly at least twice each day, and flossing (again, properly) at least once a day. These two steps alone will work wonders for your oral health.
In addition, make it a point to come see us every six months for a professional deep cleaning. We can spot trouble before it begins, and help keep your oral health in great shape.
Don’t buy into the notion that it is too late to change. Even if you have made it this far with a questionable oral healthcare routine, you should make it a point to change. As you know, keeping all your teeth late in life can be a challenge, and you will be better able to meet it if you are in the habit of regularly and properly cleaning your teeth.
As you approach retirement, consider doing an oral health checkup. Come see us and ask us about some things you can do in order to ensure your oral health over the coming decades of your life.