When you have stained or discolored teeth, you might have trouble talking or smiling in public. This is because your teeth are the focal point of your smile and any problems with your teeth will affect your outward appearance. Luckily, at our practice, we have dental specialists who can improve your smile using a zoom whitening procedure. This is an effective method that we use at our clinic using a specialized gel and LED lamp.


The procedure takes about 45 minutes to complete. You will therefore have to plan effectively before coming to the clinic so that your daily schedule is not interrupted. There is also no downtime with the Zoom whitening session meaning that you can go back to your daily activities without any complications or recovery period required. The procedure is not painful, and you will be safe during the entire process.


Our dental specialist will cover your gums and lips to protect them from the whitening paste that is to be applied. Once that is done, our expert will apply the zoom whitening gel. The Specialized LED lamp is used to activate the gel. The hydrogen peroxide is oxidized by light from the LED lamp, therefore effectively removing the stains. The 45-minute session is usually divided into three 15-minute phases with the whitening gel added after every phase. At the end of the session you will have better looking teeth that will change your appearance and give you a confident look in public.

Come to our clinic to get your teeth whitened using ultra-modern techniques and those that are safe. Call our offices to schedule a consultation to start the journey towards having a bright and beautiful smile.

Get In Touch

Geelan Dental Care

Call Us: (503) 223-1322

Visit Us: 5320 South Macadam Ave, Suite #100
Portland, OR 97239

Office Hours

Mon – Thur: 7:30am – 4:30pm
Fri – Sun: Closed

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