Vitamin D is very important for your health. In our dental practice, it’s consistently measured to gauge the health of our patient’s teeth.

The reason we do this is that vitamin D deficiency is linked to an increase in the risk of tooth decay and gum disease in the mouth. Almost all of the patients we see with dental disease, also have vitamin D deficiency. The solution is to teach people how important vitamin D is for their teeth.


The way our body manages minerals is guided by calcium balance and the immune system, which are both balanced by vitamin D. If you aren’t giving yourself the proper amount of Vitamin D then your calcium that heals your teeth levels can be lowered. Even if you are getting plenty of calcium. Oral hygiene is recommended by our dentist to prevent gingivitis.

Also known as bleeding gums. Gingivitis isn’t just a sign of poor dental health. Studies show it’s also a sign of a weakened immune system. Your mouth is an extension of your stomach, this is where 80 percent of the immune system is primed. Like the stomach, the mouth is an interaction between microbes and your own immune cells. Since vitamin D plays a role in inventorying the immune system. It controls how and which immune cells are formed.


To manage your vitamin D intake better it involves lifestyle and dietary changes. Getting 30 minutes of natural sunlight per day is a good start. Fun fact, if you are above 37 degrees latitude, sunlight isn’t converted to vitamin d in the skin. You’ll need a supplement or to consume 1-2 servings of food each day that are rich in D3. These include your fatty fish, organ meats, eggs, butter, yogurt, and cheese.

Combining these tips into your everyday life will pay dividends at your next visit. For further information, please contact us. We are here to assist in your oral health needs.

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Geelan Dental Care

Call Us: (503) 223-1322

Visit Us: 5320 South Macadam Ave, Suite #100
Portland, OR 97239

Office Hours

Mon – Thur: 7:30am – 4:30pm
Fri – Sun: Closed

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