When it comes to healthy teeth, you truly are what you eat. In fact, one of the first areas of your body to decline when your diet is poor is your oral health. Sugary foods contribute to tooth decay, while other foods contribute to clean, strong, healthy teeth.


It probably comes as no surprise that crunchy foods (that aren’t overly hard) act as natural toothbrushes. Fresh foods like apples, carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and nuts are abrasive enough to have cleaning power without damaging your teeth like ice, hard candy, or popcorn kernels. Crunchy foods that take extra chewing also increase saliva production, which in turn helps fight tooth decay.


Calcium and protein keep your tooth enamel strong and are found in beans, leafy greens, nuts, and dairy products like cheese, milk, and yogurt. Almonds and Brazil nuts are especially high in calcium. In addition, added chewing with harder cheeses increases saliva production like crunchy foods and also helps prevent tooth decay.


There are certain vitamins that contribute to healthy teeth. These include, vitamins C, D, and K, as well as folic acid (a type of vitamin B). Leafy greens are high in folic acid, while sardines, cold water fish, and enriched egg yolks are rich in vitamin D. Vitamin K, which can be found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale, salami, egg yolks, and hard cheeses helps strengthen both tooth enamel and protect against gum disease. And foods that are high in vitamin C include kiwi, bell peppers, strawberries, and oranges.


Healthy gums promote healthy teeth. Antioxidants found in many foods help keep your immune system strong to fight bacteria that can cause gum disease and other oral infections. Foods that are high in antioxidants include berries, apples, grapes, nuts, raisins, and beans.

Eating these foods that are rich in certain vitamins, minerals, and protein are essential as a complementary practice to a good oral hygiene routine. For more information about diet and healthy teeth, contact our office.

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Geelan Dental Care

Call Us: (503) 223-1322

Visit Us: 5320 South Macadam Ave, Suite #100
Portland, OR 97239

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Mon – Thur: 7:30am – 4:30pm
Fri – Sun: Closed

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