A smile is the first thing people notice about us, which is why we all strive to keep it perfect. However, due to genetics, natural causes, or injury, your teeth may lose their natural color, shape, or appearance, affecting your smile. The good news is, we can correct these imperfections at our office. We will recommend veneers, braces, or dental implants, depending on your damaged teeth, to give you a perfect smile that will help you get back your perfect smile.
If you feel impatient about wearing braces for months to a year, you can consider veneers. Veneers are a cosmetic, restorative treatment that enables you to get straight teeth faster. They do this by covering damaged and crooked teeth. They also brighten your teeth, saving you the need for a teeth whitening procedure.
Braces offer a solution to crooked teeth and gaps. With advancements in the dental industry, you can get hidden braces that fit behind your teeth rather than the front surfaces. You can also get Invisalign, which are removable teeth aligners. Finally, you can also get quick braces, which will straighten your teeth within a shorter time, unlike ordinary braces.
Missing teeth can impact your confidence, making you smile or talk less in public spaces. With dental implants, you can replace your natural tooth and boost your appearance. We will drill the implants in your gum and place a crown on top of it. With implants, you will get a permanent solution to teeth loss, allowing you to eat and smile confidently. While the dental implant procedure may take time, it is a better alternative to dentures. Thus, if you have crooked, misaligned, chipped, or discolored teeth, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with us and allow us to fix the imperfections. For more details on getting a perfect smile, contact our office today.