A real and genuine smile is undeniably one of the most significant gestures that we can give to another person. However, some people do not like to smile, and this can be due to the poor state of their oral health. With regular flossing, dental work, and flossing, many people may be able to wear a beautiful smile.

Do you know that approximately 80 percent of all injuries to the teeth and mouth, may affect a majority of your front teeth? These types of injuries may lead to damage to your tongue, lips as well as inner cheeks. Irrespective as to whether you were involved in a minor accident, a hockey brouhaha or fell off your bike, partaking in certain activities and engagement may pose a higher probability of harming your front teeth.

Nonetheless, there are several ways that you can employ to prevent mouth and tooth injuries. A great way to protect your mouth is by using mouth guards, especially when playing contact or physical games. Face cages are also another great way of protecting your mouth, teeth, and face from impending trauma, which is quite common in field sports such as hockey, football and rugby.


Irrespective as to whether you wear a mouthguard, face cage or helmet injuries tend to happen from time to time including knocked-out teeth. Nonetheless, with dental technology, we can replace any missing teeth from your mouth. Once the accident happens, it’s essential to wash your teeth thoroughly and remove any debris. On top of that, you should also hold your teeth in your mouth, as you plan your visit to our practice.


If your broken tooth is not repairable, then we will recommend an artificial tooth, which will be implanted into your jaw. The dental implant will mimic the action and looks of the original tooth, thereby allowing you to bite, chew, and even smile.

Get In Touch

Geelan Dental Care

Call Us: (503) 223-1322

Visit Us: 5320 South Macadam Ave, Suite #100
Portland, OR 97239

Office Hours

Mon – Thur: 7:30am – 4:30pm
Fri – Sun: Closed

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